Discover Rio de Janeiro´s connections with the G20 countries

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State commission

The Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro created, in November 2023, the "State Commission for the G20" with the purpose of articulating and coordinating the work of its departments and agencies. The initiative takes place in dialogue with the Federal Government and the City of Rio de Janeiro to ensure the success of the G20 events in our state.

Among the State´s duties are the maintenance of public security, under the coordination of federal security forces, fire prevention and firefighting, and support for health issues, with the mobilization of the Military and Civil Police, the Fire Department and the Department of Health.

The Government of Rio also supports Itamaraty and the Ministry of Finance in logistical aspects related to meetings, receptions for authorities, among others.

The Commission is chaired by the State Department of the Governor´s Office, having as Executive Secretariat the Undersecretary of International Affairs.

It has an Advisory Board composed of the Vice-Government, the Office of the Chief of Staff and the Governor´s Office, as well as the Undersecretary of Communication and Publicity.

The work is divided into 3 committees: