Casa G20 announces partnership with Nelson Motta to curate music events

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Créditos: GOV Rj.

During the nine months of the project, there will be 18 concerts 

Last Wednesday, April 3, Casa G20 hosted an event that will mark the next few months of Rio's cultural scene. The Casa, in Ipanema, received the illustrious presence of Brazilian music and art icon Nelson Motta, who will be managing a series of musical events until November 30. 

During the nine months of the project, there will be 18 concerts The main goal is to highlight Brazil's rich musical diversity, bringing together a variety of artists. 

These events will be curated by Nelson Motta, who aims to present a sample of Brazilian culture to the G20 participants. The initiative is sponsored by Funarj. 

In addition to Nelson Motta, the event was attended by the Secretary of Culture for the state of Rio de Janeiro, Danielle Barros, and the Undersecretary for International Affairs, Bruno Costa. Both expressed their enthusiasm for the partnership and highlighted the importance of the initiative in promoting Brazilian culture on the international stage. 

During the ceremony, the Chamber Choir of the Escola de Música Villa-Lobos  gave a moving performance of Brazilian hits. The event took place at the Teatro Laura Alvim. 

- There is no place in the world with as much musical diversity as Brazil. We want to delight and surprise G20 visitors with this program, showing them the best our country has to offer in terms of culture, music and art," said Nelson Motta, who will be curating the musical events. 

The Secretary of Culture, Danielle Barros, also expressed her gratitude and expectations for the events. - Art is a right for everyone. Our idea is to have this theater full. What brings audiences to the house is the programming we offer, and we are fully aware of that. It is an honor to have Nelson Motta signing this program, bringing Brazilian culture to celebrate the G20 meeting. 

Bruno Costa, Undersecretary for International Affairs, highlighted the importance of the G20 House as a channel for connecting the population with the international event - This house here is a facility to enable the population to understand what this major international event is all about, establishing a connection with the discussions and movements that the G20 brings to Brazil. 

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