Casa G20 hosts seminar “Towards the 2030 Agenda: water and the right to the city”

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Créditos: GOV Rj.

The event triggered debates involving topics related to sustainable development 

The Casa G20 hosted the seminar "Towards the 2030 Agenda: water and the right to the city", originally scheduled for March 22, but postponed due to the heavy rains in the state. The event, held by Cedae, took place on Thursday (04/18) and provided debates and reflections on topics such as access to water, public health, forest restoration and climate change. 

The opening of the seminar was attended by the Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainability, Bernardo Rossi, the president of CEDAE, Aguinaldo Ballon, and the representative of Brazil and the South Cone of UN-Habitat, Rayne Ferretti. 

- This seminar is an important moment for us to internalize discussions, such as strengthening the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our agenda. I say this thinking mainly in the interior of our state, where we should also take this agenda that links us directly to the G20. With the support of the UN, we can dedicate ourselves even more to this issue and transform the dialogue on climate change in our state, "said Rossi. 

UN-Habitat representative Rayne Ferretti also spoke about the importance of the SDG agenda, drawing attention to sanitation as a cross-cutting issue. 

- It is essential for us to advance in the universalization of the Sanitation Framework, in several other spheres. Many other SDGs are crossed by this subject, such as the one that deals with adequate housing, for example. How can we guarantee it if we do not move forward with sanitation? - Rayne reflects. 

Cedae's president, Aguinaldo Ballon, spoke of the company's need for resilience in the face of climate impacts. 

- Let's reflect here today on the right to the city and its direct relationship with the right to drinking water and health. Each of the panels, in some way, talks about our resilience. We have to think about this to align our performance and the impact it has on people's lives, making us more resilient to climate events – said the president of Cedae. 

In addition to the thematic panels, the Cedae choir gave a brief presentation, singing well-known hits, such as the song "Água de beber", by Tom Jobim. 

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