Ceremony in Honor of Ruy Castro officiates his election to ABL [Brazilian Association of Literature] as curator of exhibition about Rio

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Créditos: GOV Rj.

Ruy Castro signs exhibition at Casa G20 with the challenge of presenting the state of Rio to Summit visitors as of August 

The journalist and elected to the Brazilian Academy of Literature Ruy Castro was honored this Tuesday (05/21) at Casa G20, in Ipanema. Ruy will be the curator of the permanent exhibition starting in the house's galleries in August. In addition to the honoree, members of the Rio state government and representatives of the state's culture attended the ceremony. 

The exhibition will talk about a Rio known to many, but under the singular perspective of Ruy Castro, who, although from Minas Gerais, is a great lover of Rio. 

- Rio is exactly the sum of all the people who came here, from all places and times. There was no Rio-born ready when Rio came to exist;  these people came from outside and were part of what is now Rio, this cosmopolitan hub that welcomes everyone. It is this love that Rio has to offer that we will put in this exhibition - highlights Ruy. 

Present at the ceremony, the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the Rio State Government (Secec), Danielle Barros, highlighted the vocation of Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim (this year as Casa G20) as an important point of cultural convergence. 

“Casa G20 is undoubtedly the most appropriate place for us to set up our cultural embassy. This house had already had this task as since our dear Laura Alvim received here the artists from all over the world who came to Rio, an important beacon of art worldwide. So, the Casa resumes fulfilling this welcoming and cosmopolitan role, now linked to the G20 - she recalls. 

"The Casa tarted as an idea and today it has turned into this great project with countless partners. The Casa is now complete with this great exhibition about Rio de Janeiro, showing to the local public a little of our history, also to the representatives of the G20 countries, foreign media correspondents and international visitors who land in Rio this year. This will be a vital space for the dissemination of Rio to the world - declared the Secretary of International Affairs, Bruno Costa. 

Also present at the tribute were the president of Funarj, Jackson Emerick; Paulo Feitoza, representative of Quitanda Soluções Criativas, the company that carried out the "Cultural Embassy" project; and actor Diogo Vilela. 

The tribute also featured the presentation of the Chamber Choir of the Escola de Música Villa-Lobos, linked to Funarj. 

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