Casa G20 has an event aimed at strengthening the female presence in leadership and management positions

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Créditos: GOV Rj.

Casa G20 operates at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, in Ipanema, South Zone of Rio, and hosted the event HUB Workshop + RJ Councilors, held on Wednesday afternoon (21.08) so as to discuss measures to strengthen the female presence in leadership positions. During the meeting, which brought together about 160 people, the Secretary of State for Women, Heloisa Aguiar, highlighted the importance of implementing training programs for women. 

– The State of Rio de Janeiro is a pioneer in the women's movement, but about 50% of our cities still do not have an exclusive department for women with a budget. When we talk about female empowerment, we need to talk about education, and my greatest desire is to promote public policies and training courses for women in the 92 cities – declared the secretary. 

The co-leader of Women20 (W20), Janaína Gama, detailed the team's performance. W20 is a G20 engagement group, composed of women academics, entrepreneurs and other sectors, who advocate for gender equity. According to her, five priority themes were listed to be discussed: gender violence; women in careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics; care economics; climate justice and entrepreneurship. 

According to the W20 representative, the idea is to promote meetings around Brazil, in order to listen to the demands of women and, through this, develop recommendations to be implemented internationally. Janaína also mentioned the importance of producing reports to monitor compliance with the proposed measures. 

– Our goal is to encourage leaders to create policies with climate-sensitive approaches to increase women's access to national and international markets, as well as measures to combat all forms of gender-based violence. Our work will not stop there, as we will need data and analysis to verify that our proposals are fulfilled, "she said.  

During the event, initiatives were also presented to promote female leadership in companies. Fecomércio-RJ's Governance and Integrity advisor, Sheila Aquino, emphasized that 62% of the institution's managerial positions are held by women.  

Sheila also commented on the projects held by the company, such as SESC Plural Women, which enabled health care for women, accounting for more than 600,000 visits.  

Launch of the book “Mulheres em Conselhos˜ 

Late at the afternoon, the book “Mulheres em Conselhos” by the author Andréia Roma, was launched, which was also attended by one of the co-authors, Maria Veloso, Board member of Administration and Futures Strategist. The publication celebrates the challenges and achievements overcome by women councilors. 

Photo: Carla Vieira  

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